Learning a new language Speakmania, find penpals all over the world for free!!

Released on = April 13, 2007, 10:18 am

Press Release Author = albanvincent

Industry = Consumer Services

Press Release Summary = Learning a new language?
To speak English, Spanish, German, Chinese, .
Find penpals all over the world for free!!
Available 24 hours on 24, SPEAKMANIA is the only free site which allows you to find
penpals and friends all over the world for free! You can communicate through textual
chat, audio and video.

Press Release Body = Learning new languages allows you to have an enriched life, to
discover new cultures and to accelerate your professional career. You can not learn
a language without practice!
Launched in July 2006, Speakmania allows, already to more than 10 000 members, to
share and speak English, Spanish, German, Chinese... by finding penpals all over the
world for free!!

Almost 1 on 5 Europeans wants to learn a foreign language in the next coming year!
More than a third has learned a second language by themselves or at home
Source : Euro barometer European Community -Site : europa.eu

Very professional in languages, Speakmania is a free base of penpals who takes some
lines from the good old correspondence, after studying it, and forwards this to
foreign penpals! This site proposes to connect people who wish to advance in a
language through mail, audio chat or video chat without ever transmitting your

Do you want to become bilingual? Become trilingual!

Whatever your level is, you will be able to :
 Built friendships all over the world and discover other cultures
 Argue about no matter what subject and participate in your centers of
 Progress at your rhythm and practice the real spoken language with friends
who wish to share the knowledge of their mother tongue!

Anytime available at no cost at all, Speakmania differentiates from his competitors
by proposing:
 Pedagogic contents, phrases suitable for everybody,
 The most advanced tools available: photos, text exchanges, audio and video
chat, multilingual dictionary, a register for stocking the vocabulary you learned as
one goes along and an on line quiz.

Less than one minute is needed to subscribe yourself and to discover a load of
information and wise advices.

Because a demonstration is stronger than words, subscribe yourself at no cost at all
and test this site without a time limitation : http://www.speakmania.com

Web Site = http://www.speakmania.com

Contact Details = Alban vincent

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